This is a relatively new approach. It is the first element of the duodenal change operation and involves getting rid of the lateral 2/3rds of the belly with a stapling device. It can be done laparoscopically (keyhole surgery) but is not reversible. It leaves a stomach tube rather than a stomach sack basically. This is actually the first element of a Biliopancreatic Diversion / Duodenal Switch where in fact the stomach is low by removing the lateral 2/3rds leaving the stomach in the form of the tube. 60) because it allows good weight loss until the patient gets down to a safe weight and the greater radical bypass can then be offered laparoscopically when they are at a safer weight.
The residual abdomen capacity is approximately 200mls so a good entree should be possible. 1. Stomach pipe may stretch out up as time passes leading to late weight regain. 4. If weight is regained the second stage of Duodenal Gastric or Switch Bypass can be added laparoscopically. The Gastric Sleeve Resection procedure is often the first step towards intestinal bypass for high cardiopulmonary risk patients. Fortunately a majority of patients do benefit from Sleeve Resection only. 1. Only eat small amounts: The capability of the tummy has transformed.
Also the quantity of food intake has to change. Nevertheless it is not always easy to avoid eating at the right time. What do we suggest, if we say small quantities? For example one cut of a loaf of bread for breakfast or 2 potatoes and a small piece of fish for lunch. 2. Chew well and swallow food only completely mashed: You will need additional time for chewing and not absolutely all food can be done to chew well. The list of unsuitable food will highlight the products that are usually not easy to chew.
3. Never eat and drink at the same time: The reduced capacity of the stomach won’t permit to take in both: liquid and food at the same time. The usual amount of drink, 2-3 liter liquid per day, are desirable. It´s easier to drink between or before foods.
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- Refusing certain food types
- Take your time with your food
4. Do not lay out or rest after eating: because in a horizontal position reflux is much more likely. The meals also remains longer in the forestomach and leads to a very uncomfortable build up of mucus. 5. Eat five times a day: This is important, each day because if you only eat 2-3 times, it is not possible to truly have a great variety of food. Consequently, as you can only eat small amounts, you don’t get enough protein, minerals, and vitamins. Furthermore, when eating 5 times daily, it is less likely that you are overpowered by sudden hunger attacks where you probably your investment new eating habits.
6. Watch out for beverages abundant with calories: In our experience, many people take in a complete lot of their calories with carbonated drinks, hot chocolates, and dairy shakes. This is possible after the operation also, so think about this before drinking high-calorie liquids. The sort of liquid should be varied, you need to include coffee or tea, diluted fruit- or veggie juice, light drink with artificial glucose, low fat variations of butter dairy, mineral water without gas.